Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Calendar

High schoolers, come on out to the Crone's on Sunday night at 7pm for F.I.S.H. and evangelism training. Don't forget to bring your journal. If you don't have one, we still have some extras. Bring a snack to share.

Everybody, bring your digital camera (and a connecting cord) to X-Factor on the 9th. We had a blast last time on our photo scavenger hunt around the church campus. This time we'll add some fun memes like "planking" and "horsemaning." So bring a friend. We'll also be continuing to talk about "How things get fixed."


2nd 7-9pm Fish (at the Crone's)
9th 7-8:30pm X-Factor

Photo Scavenger Hunt

14th 7-9pm Wyld Life
16th 7-8:30pm X-Factor

Flag Football

23rd Indelible Grace


28th Fall Harvest Festival

6th 7-9pm Fish
11th 7-9pm Wyld Life
12th 9am-3pm Parent


13th 7-8:30pm X-Factor

Derby Race

27th 7-8:30pm X-Factor

World Cup

4th 7-9pm Fish
9th 7-9pm Wyld Life
11th 7-8:30pm X-Factor

Mariokart Tourney

18th 7-8:30pm Christmas


28-29th Youth Sleepovers

8th 7-9pm Fish
13th 7-9pm Wyld Life
15th 7-8:30pm X-Factor


22nd 7-8:30pm X-Factor

Capture the Flag